Essential Oil Dilution Chart for Animals

While not every Young Living Essential Oil is for use with animals there are many which can be safely used with animals IF the dilution is adhered to and the carrier oil is very pure – this is very important. I prefer Young Living V6 or if you are caught without it, use extra virgin olive oil. Following is an easy-to-remember rule of thumb for the dilution rate of essential oils for animals.

Equine (horse): – minimal to no dilution
Ruminants (sheep, goat, deer, cattle, buffalo, elk, camel, giraffe): – minimal to no dilution

  • 0-10 lb – 75% or more
  • 11-25 lb – 75%
  • 26-45 lb – 50-75%
  • 46-75 lb – 50%
  • 76-90 lb – 25-50%
  • 91-150 lb – 25%
  • over 150 lb – 0-25%

Cat: 75-90%
Pocket Pet (rodents such as: hamsters, gerbils, fancy mice, fancy rats and guinea pigs, squirrel): 85-90%
Ferrets: 75-90%
Rabbits: 75-90%
Birds: 90-95% or use hydrosols
Reptiles (snakes, lizards, turtles, and tortoises): 75-90%
Amphibians ( frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders): 90-95% or use hydrosols
Fish: hydrosols
Invertebrates (such as anarthropod, mollusk, annelid, coelenterate, etc): none or hydrosols


All material provided on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your animal’s healthcare professional or veterinarian.

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