Elements in Nature: Autumn & Walnut Tree

The biological diversity of Earth is our teacher. Within Nature are revelations for solving problems and accomplishing tasks. We are one with Nature, and if we understand that relationship, wonderful things unfold for us.

The elements of nature and its cycles and phases move and flow just like the rhythms of our life, and when we consciously work with the energies and cycles of nature it supports us in making the difficult transitions seem more effortless.

Ozark Mountain Fall

Autumn Colors of Ozark Mountains

We are currently experiencing the Autumn, or Fall of the year. Here in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, we are blessed with the beginnings of a spectacular display of colors for the turning of the leaves because we have had a combination of intermittent rain throughout the summer months and varying sunny fall days with cold nights in early Autumn. “Intermittent” and “varying” equal “balance” in this example, bringing the right balance of weather to aid the seasonal fall foliage in its gorgeous descent into the winter months of dormancy. As the leaves fall from deciduous trees, they become welcome insulation for seeds, roots, insects and small wildlife, and they continue to decompose into much needed nutrients that feed and enrich the soil which will support the early flowers, new green leaves and sprouts next spring, a welcome and uplifting gift after the sometimes drab period of a leafless winter.

Symbolically, Autumn and its aspects show us how it’s done! They portray how we transition from one cycle of life to the next. Autumn shows us that we can take what we have learned from our life experiences this year and use that “hidden wisdom” to nurture the seeds we sow for our next spring, our next new beginning. By going within during meditation as in winter dormancy, we can bring balance to periods of transition. (New to meditation? Start with 5, 7 or 10 minute meditations; progress to 30 – 60 minutes daily).

Following is a look at the symbolism of Autumn and one of the key players of Autumn, the Walnut tree.

Harvest and Sow
Each season has its own magic, spirit, energy, feel and rhythm. The autumn rhythm is one of endings and beginnings, of harvest and abundance. It is a time for clearing out, or giving up, of old ways – habits, thoughts and feelings that are no longer serving us. It is this simple action which brings change and welcomes new starts toward our next period of growth. Harvest and abundance – gleaning the best from all our efforts in the preceding “seasons” of our life, giving thanks for the fullness of our days because of these efforts. As we evaluate what has worked for us and what has not, we build a foundation for our future.

Transition and Initiation, Hidden Wisdom
There are various species of Walnut, each with different characteristics. In my region we experience a majority of Black Walnut. Although Black Walnut has become scarce, it is still one of the most coveted native hardwoods, especially for its versatility, strength and durability for making cabinets, furniture and veneer. When viewed in different lights and angles, this wood changes colors. Similarly, our spirits are versatile, strong and durable and when we take inventory of our many aspects in different ways, we see our hidden truths and discover where we want to initiate change – transition.

National Audubon Society Field Guide to Trees states “Since Colonial days and before, Black

black walnut

Black Walnut

Walnut has provided edible nuts and a blackish dye made from the husks.” Last weekend, my Aunt shared that during the 1930’s and 40’s Granny Smith had very little resources to make holidays an event for her 7 children. At Easter, she would use walnut shells, berries and coffee to create colors to dye eggs. Because each nut is the potential for a new tree to sprout, transitioning from seed to sprout to tree to mature fruit again, Walnut shows us how to initiate rebirth. Gathering nuts is a symbolic way of using Autumn energy to awaken abundance, prosperity and wisdom over the coming year.

In closing here is a bit of hidden wisdom for you to initiate a transition into wellness. Just this week, our local newspaper, Harrison Daily Times, reprinted a piece of Drs Oz and Roizen on the health benefits of walnuts, stating that “consuming 2 ounces of shelled walnuts a day can make blood vessels more flexible (a sign of heart health), improve your cholesterol levels and help with high blood pressure, glucose control and insulin regulation”.

Spirit provides all we need to support this wonderful human existence we call “life”…. Where will you harvest and sow, transition and initiate and unlock the hidden wisdoms of your world to new abundance and wellness?


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